What does it feel like to take CBD

What Does It Feel Like To Take CBD?

Have you ever wondered what it feels like to take CBD or CBD oil? You are not alone! CBD is growing in popularity, but with that comes many questions and even some concerns.

This is mainly due to some common misconceptions surrounding CBD products, which include the thought that CBD has the same side effects as Marijuana. In this blog, we are going to touch on the misconceptions and what CBD actually feels like and does within our bodies. Let's dive into the world of CBD!


Understanding CBD

Before we start on what CBD feels like when you use it, here is a brief overview of CBD. CBD, or Cannabidiol, is one of the many chemical compounds, or cannabinoids, found in the cannabis plant.

CBD interacts with the Endocannabinoid System to provide therapeutic benefits. CBD has the capability of assisting with discomfort, sleep, and mood or mental health.


The Endocannabinoid System

To know what CBD feels like, we need to understand what exactly CBD does within the body. When taken internally, CBD interacts directly with the Endocannabinoid System (ECS).

The ECS is responsible for helping the body stay in homeostasis or balance. The ECS helps with many different processes within the body to help maintain balance, including:

  • appetite and digestion
  • metabolism
  • discomfort
  • immune system responses
  • mood
  • learning and memory
  • motor control
  • sleep
  • cardiovascular system function
  • muscle formation
  • bone remodeling and growth
  • liver function
  • reproductive system function
  • skin and nerve function

CBD may help the Endocannabinoid System keep the body in balance. It does this by stimulating the CB1 and CB2 receptors. When these receptors are stimulated, they send signals to the brain and tell it to produce more endocannabinoids within the body.

Endocannabinoid system details

These endocannabinoids then find the problem and do their best to fix it. This interaction may lead to feeling some relief from symptoms relating to mood, discomfort, and sleep.


Misconceptions about CBD

Now that we have some basic information about CBD, let's talk about some common misconceptions surrounding the topic. The main misconception surrounding CBD is that it is a psychoactive compound like its counterpart THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol).

THC is generally derived from the cannabis indica (Marijuana) plant and produces a "high" feeling for its users. This "high" feeling can cause hallucinations, impaired memory, altered senses, and the list goes on. It is worth noting that not all THC's effects are bad.

CBD, on the other hand, does not produce any psychoactive effects and is generally derived from the cannabis sativa (Industrial hemp) plant. CBD is well known for its ability to assist with discomfort, mood, and sleep.


What Does It Feel Like to Take CBD?

Several factors can influence a user's experience with CBD, making it a unique and personalized journey for each individual. CBD can provide a unique and subtle experience as it interacts with the body's endocannabinoid system to promote balance and relaxation.

CBD can induce a gentle calmness that eases tension and soothes the mind when ingested. Many people describe the sensation as a wave of tranquility washing over them, melting away stress and promoting a general feeling of well-being.

Women Relaxed on a couch after taking CBD

As discussed above, it's not a psychoactive experience like that of THC, so there is no intoxication or impairment associated with CBD usage. However, some CBD products contain a high milligram amount of THC. Those types of CBD products could cause psychoactive effects, to occur.

Instead of getting high, CBD often leaves individuals feeling more centered, focused, and able to navigate daily activities with a greater sense of clarity.


What Determines the Feeling We Get When Taking CBD?

The effects of CBD can vary depending on factors such as dosage, individual body chemistry, and the specific product used. Still, it offers a gentle and natural way to support overall wellness. Let's discuss what you must do to see the effects of CBD.


CBD Dosage and Potency

First and foremost, dosage plays a crucial role in determining the effects of CBD. The optimal dosage varies from person to person, depending on factors such as body weight, metabolism, and desired outcomes. For example, a person with a higher body weight would have to take more CBD per serving than those who naturally weigh less.

Experimentation with CBD dosage amounts is always recommended for first-time CBD users. It's recommended that you buy an affordable CBD product with a high dosage. That way, you can take less initially and steadily increase the amount until you find the sweet spot of relief you seek.


Types of CBD

Did you know there are different types of CBD? Each of these types of CBD products is formulated for different purposes and benefits. For Example, Full-spectrum CBD products contain all the different cannabinoids found in the cannabis plant, including THC, CBD, CBC, CBG, CBN, and more.

Full Spectrum products are best for those looking to take advantage of the entourage effect. The entourage effect means that all the cannabinoids work harmoniously to boost your CBD product's benefits. The only downside is the THC content in the product. This content varies from product to product. Make sure to purchase one that best suits your lifestyle.

Different Types of CBD

Next is Broad-Spectrum CBD products. The only difference between Broad and Full Spectrum CBD products is the THC content. Broad Spectrum CBD still has a wide variety of cannabinoids minus THC. You can still expect the entourage effect to occur, but it may be weaker than the effects that a Full Spectrum product could provide.

The last type of CBD is Isolate CBD products. CBD or cannabinoid isolates is a specific cannabinoid in its purest form. Which means there are no cannabinoids other than the ones listed on the product. This is great for those looking to see only the benefits of certain cannabinoids, like CBG for calming, CBC for discomfort, and CBN for sleep.


Method of Consumption

Let's move on to the method of consumption. It can influence the onset and duration of CBD's effects. There are many ways to consume CBD, including oils, tinctures, edibles, and topicals. Each method of consumption influences the user's experience.

CBD oils and tinctures are generally used sublingually or under the tongue. This process bypasses the digestive system and goes straight into the bloodstream. Because of this, more of the CBD is preserved and not broken down. It also means that the effects may be felt faster but will still last long as it travels through the bloodstream.

CBD edibles include gummies, mints, gums, etc. When using CBD edibles, it takes longer (up to 2 hours) to feel the effects of CBD because it must be broken down in the digestive system before releasing the CBD. On a good note, the effects may be felt longer because the digestive process takes time to complete.

Some of the CBD may be lost in this process of breaking down. Next is the topical form of CBD. This includes lotions, creams, and salves. Topical CBD is rubbed into the skin and generally used for specific discomfort. This is a great option for quick results, but the drawback is that these effects wear off faster than other forms of CBD.


Body Chemistry and Sensitivity

Furthermore, individual body chemistry and sensitivity to cannabinoids can impact the response to CBD. Some people may be more receptive to its effects, while others may require higher doses. There may be some trial and error when finding out what works best for you, but make sure to do that alongside your doctor.

Lastly, the quality of the CBD product itself is a significant factor. It is important to source CBD from reputable manufacturers that use high-quality hemp and employ rigorous testing to ensure purity and accurate labeling. It is always good to check and see if the company does third-party testing on its CBD products. This can help to double-check the quality of each product.

Taking all these factors into consideration can help individuals personalize their CBD experience and maximize the user experience.


Sum it up!

Answering our original question, what does CBD feel like? When you take CBD, you can expect a feeling of calm, peace, comfort, and more. You will only get high by taking CBD products if a large amount of THC is also included in the CBD product.

CBD can help in various ways; generally, only good and happy feelings are associated with CBD. On occasion, CBD users need to remember to check the THC levels of the CBD product they plan on purchasing before they run into issues. THC is safe to take at the federal legal level of less than 0.3%.

CBD products are generally formulated with a specific use in mind. If you need assistance with discomfort, there are carefully crafted CBD products designed to assist with comfort levels. Remember to thoroughly research the CBD product you plan on purchasing to ensure you know what effects may occur.

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